The Elórtegui name at Argentina |
At Argentina there are different branches of Elórtegui. We'll identify them by the persons who travelled to the country, being the founders of each branch.
In chronological order, the first branch we have notice is founded by the sons of Juan Antonio Elórtegui and his wife María Antonia Larrauri. Their sons Alejo Elórtegui Larrauri, Pablo Elórtegui Larrauri, Juan Antonio Elórtegui Larrauri y Francisco Elórtegui Larrauri travelled to Argentina between 1898 and 1910. Their descendants are living today at Buenos Aires and Olavarría, and they are a wide family.
Some of their relatives founded branches at Uruguay and Chile.
Later, in 1906 and the '20 decade, arrived some other Elórtegui to Argentina, but we have no more notices about them.