The name Elortegui has its origin in Biscay, specially in Maruri and surroundings, the area of Plencia, Gorliz y Munguia. It is in those zones and in Bilbao where the name can be found more frequently. But, after spreading from Spain, there are Elortegui families at Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Chile, Florida y Philadelphia, California y Australia. Inside Spain, we have information about a family group from Plencia y Gorliz, Munguia, another one from Pasajes de San Pedro, the group at the caserio de Basordas, the group from Erandio-Portugalete, the group from Bermeo and the group of the residents at the caserio Elortegui Bekoa at Maruri. Some branches of Elortegui has its origin at the Elortegui Bekoa "caserio" (bekoa=downside) with a common ancestor who was born about 1635. He has descendants at Munguia, Pasajes de San Pedro, Lemoniz, Argentina, USA and Australia. These pages try to be a point of contact for all of us with the name Elortegui, and with the many names we are related. These names are mainly the families of Maruri, Plencia, Gorliz, Munguia, Meñaca y Erandio in the mid 19th century. In this web you can find information about the meaning of the name, heraldry, the ancestral home, the orthography of the name and the many branches of Elortegui in the world. |
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The origin of this work was the family of Nicolas Elortegui Gambe y Maria Luisa Zarraga Torrontegui
But if you want to search other Elortegui branches or another names, you can begin here.
If you want to contact with us at nicolas @, you are welcome. We would be pleased of rebuilding our links.
If you have lost fluency in spanish, you can contact us in english or french at nicol @